Friday 28 February 2014

Exercise to Get Rid of Cellulite

Smart women know that exercise is one of the best ways toget rid of cellulite for good. For some reason, most people seem to recommend running and cardio to lose cellulite. Others say biking and stair stepping are better. Who do you believe? All women want to get rid of cellulite, and generally want to do it with the least effort possible. It sounds lazy when you put it in writing, but it's true. Who wants to spend hours on a treadmill, day after day? That's why we're going to discuss a more efficient and easier way to lose cellulite quickly and permanently.

If you're looking for a single best exercise to get rid of cellulite, you'll find there is no single answer. Different women suffer from cellulite in different parts of the body. Some people get it on the stomach, but the majority of women have it on their hips, thighs, and butt. That's why you normally target lower body work when trying to get rid of cellulite.

The first thing you should know is that cellulite is just fat. It's not made of "toxins", circulation problems, excess water storage, or anything else.  It's been medically proven that it's exactly the same as any other fat in your body. The dimpled appearance happens when excess fat bulges through the connective tissue under the skin.  Fat is soft, and so it can bulge out like stuffing from a mattress.  This is amplified by the fact that the skin on the thighs and butt is thinner than on other parts of the body.

As a long time personal trainer, I can assure you that resistance training is the most efficient way to get rid of cellulite. You can't beat running and biking for exercising the heart and lungs, but for cellulite reduction and general weight loss, resistance training is king. It's hard for many women to grasp this simple concept.  If you have cellulite on your butt, you should be targetting gluteal exercises. If you have cellulite on your thighs, you're better off with hamstring exercises.  By targeting specific muscle groups, you're tightening and toning specific problem areas without wasted energy.

If I had to pick one single best exercise to get rid of cellulite, it would have to be the squat. Squatting is a compound exercise that works all the large muscles in the lower body, including the gluteals and hamstrings. However, a complete, highly targeted routine will give much better results than a single movement.  As you would guess, there are also other factors that contribute to cellulite and shoudl be dealt with along with your resistance training program.

The good news is that you can lose cellulite fairly easily using a highly targeted cellulite training program combined with some very specific dietary replacements. This combination helps regulate problem hormones and puts your body in a cellulite fighting state, while also tightening the muscle and skin around your cellulite. It is possible to get rid of cellulite, just don't rely on a 'miracle cellulite cream' to do it for you.
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How to Get Rid of Cellulite on the Thighs

Wondering how to get rid of cellulite on your thighs? The thighs are a problem area for many women and are often a tough spot to fix. The thighs and butt are the most common place for cellulite to gather in women. This article will discuss a few simple tips that can help you get rid of the cellulite you have on your thighs. If you haven't had any luck with cellulite creams, massagers, and other gimmicks, this may be what you've been looking for. In fact, tt's the only proven way to get rid ofcellulite for good, rather than just covering it up.
The thighs and butt are the most problematic areas for women who suffer from cellulite. The skin on the butt and back of the thighs is fairly thin, which exagerates the problem. Women also tend to store most of their bodyfat in the thighs and buttocks. This combination makes cellulite a very common and very visible problem for millions of women.

'Cellulite' is a term made up in salons to describe the bumpy orange peel look that many women have on their thighs.  It's not caused by toxins, circulation problems, excess water storage, or anything else.  It's exactly the same as ordinary fat.  This has been medically proven.  The reason for the dimpled appearance is the underlying fat bulging through the connective tissue under the skin.  Since fat is soft, it doesn't hold the skin taught like muscle does, causing the cottage cheese look.  This gets amplified by a poor diet, hormonal imbalances, and lack of appropriate types of exercise. To help get rid of cellulite on the thighs you can follow these simple tips:

Drink Water - Drinking water can help to reduce cellulite, but not for the reason that you normally hear.  Water does not flush "toxins" out of your cellulite, or anything else.  Water is good for the skin, and can help improve elasticity and make your skin look tighter and younger.  This not only makes you look younger, but can help tighten the skin on the thighs and butt.

Exercise - Many so-called "experts" claim that running, biking, and cardio are good ways to get rid of cellulite.  While this is partially true, its certainly not the fastest or most effective way to do it.  Targeted resistance training can deliver much faster and more noticeable results.  It's also more effective at burning fat than doing cardio, contrary to popular belief.

As a certified personal trainer, I can assure you that a highly targeted resistance training program is the most effective way to lose cellulite. When combined with a few simple dietary tricks, I have seen many women achieve dramatic results. Don't rely on a 'miracle' cellulite cream or other scam to get rid of cellulite for you.  It's not happening.  The most any topical product can do is temporarily cover up the problem.  To actually get rid of cellulite, you need to target the root causes.  A few simple lifestyle changes can put your body in a cellulite fighting state, and give you back the smooth, sexy thighs and butt you once had.
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4 Fitness Tips To Get You The Hottest Legs on the Planet

Great legs will even trump an otherwise plain face and make you an immediate object of affection. But if you want to get your legs and butt into fantastic shape you will need to apply the same principals to your exercise and nutrition program that you would use to get the rest of your body into tip-top shape.

Today we know that the cutting edge in exercising for maximum benefits involves speeding up your metabolism to burn off excess body fat. It is also vitally important to that you eat enough high quality food to sustain the higher energy levels needed by an exercise program that can deliver those "to die for hot legs".

So here are 4 tips to help you sculpt those legs of iron which will get you stares from the opposite sex all day long.

1.) Make sure you strength train - No other type of exercise will tone and shape your muscles more quickly than a properly-designed exercise program that utilizes resistance training. You also need to perform these exercises with enough intensity to stimulate your metabolism to the point that you will be burning more fuel every minute of every day, even while you rest. So, your exercise program is going to achieve two important things - the first is the toning and shaping of your muscles, and the second is an elevated metabolism to increase the rate at which you burn fat.

2.) Do not diet  - Restrictive diets cause the metabolism to plummet. This slows down the rate at which you burn fat, and drains your energy levels so that even the thought of exercising becomes a chore. Instead, you only need to cut your daily calorie intake by a couple so that it will fly under your body's radar and not trigger the sense of starvation that causes most dieting plans to fall apart in short order.

3.) Eat more often - Eating 4 to 6 "small meals" each day is really the secret to cranking up your energy levels. That way you can get the most from your time spent exercising, and get the fastest results. Each of these small meals should contain protein, while the balance is made up of fibrous carbohydrates and tons of vegetables. Start your first small meal within an hour of waking and continue on every 2-3 hours throughout the day. For the best results, keep each meal small - around 300 calories, with 20-30 grams of protein.

4.) Crank up the cardio sessions - Instead of doing old fashioned, long, slow, cardio type exercise try adding some short intense bursts of speed to your exercise routines. Warm up first, then speed up for 30 to 60 seconds, then slow right back down to rest. Repeat up to 4-6 times over a 20 minute period for extraordinary fat loss results.

I guarantee that if you make use of these tips you will not only notice a huge difference in how you feel, but you'll see improvements in both your legs and the rest of your body.
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You Want A Pair Of Smokin' Hot Legs?

Even if your legs already look great you are still going to have to work on them just to keep them that way. The legs of a woman look their best when the muscles are firm and there is only a thin layer of body fat under the skin. So you are going to require a two-pronged approach to get the job done.

While many exercise programs claim they will give you perfect legs, the reality is that to obtain great results you need a program that focuses not only on the legs, but also the rest of the body, and which delivers the *right* type of exercises.

So here are a couple of very important elements that your exercise program really needs to take into account if you are going to sculpt yourself a pair of smoking hot legs.

1. Strength training - Make sure that the program you choose includes strength training exercises. This is the only type of exercise that will elevate your metabolism so as to reduce excess body fat from your legs along with the rest of your body.

The muscles in your legs are the biggest in your body, and they respond well to being worked fairly intensely. On the other hand, aerobic type exercise simply does not work these muscles with enough resistance, nor through a full-enough range of movement, to make much of an impact on your metabolic rate - which is the quantity of calories (fuel) that your body is burning through every minute of the day. By raising your metabolism through strength training exercise, you will crank up your fat burning furnace. Fat is burned in the muscles, so this is where your excess fat and flab will disappear too.

2. Eat small meals - To give yourself the energy needed to be able to exercise with enough intensity to make a difference to your metabolism, it is very important that you eat enough high quality, preferably unprocessed, food. Small meals of around 300 calories in size, eaten every  2-3 hours, will not only support your exercise program, but will also help to speed up your metabolism. For best results, you should try to include around 20 -30 grams of protein at each meal.

If you find it hard to get your head around the idea of eating all this food in order to LOSE weight - tell yourself "I have to eat to lose fat". Remember, dieting doesn't work, and it is time to bury this very old-fashioned, harmful, and soul-destroying approach to running your life. Instead, keep yourself focused on the idea of burning off body fat rather than starving it off, which is never going to help build you a strong, lean and healthy body.

If you follow these proven methods to sculpt not only your lower body, but your whole body, you will have heads turning in no time at all whenever your feet hit the pavement.
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How to Lose Cellulite Naturally

Learning how to lose cellulite is a difficult but rewarding process. It's a very complex issue that millions of women suffer from. In some parts of the world, up to 90% of all women have some degree of cellulite on their hips, thighs, or butt. It's a growing problem due to environmental and hormonal influences that are more common in modern times. One thing hasn't changed though. Cellulite is unattractive and can really hurt your self confidence. This has lead to an entire industry of cellulite treatment products and other gimmicks designed to get rid of cellulite. Unfortunately the majority of these products are just scams designed to rip money off of desparate women.

If you really want to know how to lose cellulite, you need to target the root causes, rather than just covering them up. Most cellulite treatment products are designed to temporarily mask the look of cellulite and need to be continually used for an indefinate amount of time. This may be a simple solution, but you're not really doing anything to actually solve the problem. Most cellulite creams work by increasing circulation to the skin which causes slight swelling and can tighten up the skin on top of the cellulite. No over the counter product can legally reach deeper than the outer layers of the skin. You're not actually helping your cellulite at all, you're just coving it up. If you want to lose cellulite, you'll need to elminate the cause.

Cellulite is generally caused by many things, including genetics, the wrong types of food, lack of the appropriate types of exercise, and hormones. Many of these factors are related to each other as well. If you want to lose cellulite, you'll have to control these contributing factors. Highly targeted exercises can help tone and tighten the muscle and skin around your cellulite, reducing its appearance. Some specific changes in your diet can control problem hormones, and increase skin elasticity and muscle hardness, both contributing factors in cellulite formation. This combination of targeted exercise and dietary changes can reduce problem hormones as well. Remember to drink a lot of water as well, as it helps keep skin tight and young looking.
There are also several natural products that can be used to firm and tighten your thighs and butt without having to spend loads of money on an expensive anti-cellulite cream. 

So if you're really wondering how to lose cellulite for good, he best way is to simply make some specific changes to your daily life and eliminate the root causes of the problem. Don't waste your time and money trying to cover up your problem. Fix it for good and gain back your self conficence.
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